npx @v-moravec/ui add hero
Code will be added to ~/components/block/hero/. You can further customize it there.
Copy contents from folder on Github to ~/components/block/hero/ folder in your Nuxt project.
Kickstart your project with ease.
Flexible collection of reusable components and themes.
Make it yours.
This is the source code of the block. You can use it to add the block to your project manually.
After adding the block using the CLI, you can use it like this: <BlockHeroSimple />
<script setup lang="ts"></script>
<div class="relative w-full overflow-hidden">
class="relative z-20 mx-auto flex min-h-[calc(100svh-64px)] max-w-7xl flex-col justify-center px-4 py-10 sm:py-0"
<div class="z-10 mx-auto flex max-w-3xl flex-col justify-center">
<div class="max-w-[725px] text-center">
class="relative mb-8 text-balance text-[38px] font-bold leading-[46px] tracking-[-1.024px;] before:absolute before:left-0 before:top-0 before:w-full md:text-[70px] md:leading-[85px]"
Kickstart your project with ease.
<div class="text-balance sm:px-20">
<p class="text-17px font-normal tracking-[-0.16px] md:text-xl">
Flexible collection of reusable components and themes.
<p class="text-17px font-normal tracking-[-0.16px] md:text-xl">Make it yours.</p>
<div class="mx-auto mt-10 flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-5">
<NuxtLink to="/docs/getting-started/introduction">
<UiButton>Get started</UiButton>
<NuxtLink to="/blocks">
<UiButton type="secondary" outline>Use blocks</UiButton>
<div class="absolute left-1/2 top-0 z-0 h-full">
class="pointer-events-none absolute left-1/2 top-1/2 z-10 h-96 w-96 -translate-x-14 -translate-y-2/3 select-none rounded-full bg-neutral-900 bg-primary/95 opacity-60 blur-3xl"
class="pointer-events-none absolute right-1/2 top-1/2 h-96 w-96 -translate-y-1/3 translate-x-14 select-none rounded-full bg-primary/40 opacity-60 blur-3xl dark:bg-primary/30"
Kickstart your project with ease.
Flexible collection of reusable components and themes.
Make it yours.
This is the source code of the block. You can use it to add the block to your project manually.
After adding the block using the CLI, you can use it like this: <BlockHeroImage />
<script setup lang="ts"></script>
<div class="relative w-full overflow-hidden">
class="relative z-20 mx-auto flex min-h-[calc(100svh-64px)] max-w-7xl flex-col justify-center px-4 py-10 sm:py-0"
<div class="z-10 flex flex-col gap-5 px-10 xl:flex-row">
<div class="z-10 mx-auto mb-10 flex max-w-3xl flex-col justify-center xl:mb-0">
<div class="max-w-[725px] text-left">
class="relative mb-8 text-balance text-[38px] font-bold leading-[46px] tracking-[-1.024px;] before:absolute before:left-0 before:top-0 before:w-full md:text-[70px] md:leading-[85px]"
Kickstart your project with ease.
<div class="text-balance">
<p class="text-17px font-normal tracking-[-0.16px] md:text-xl">
Flexible collection of reusable components and themes.
<p class="text-17px font-normal tracking-[-0.16px] md:text-xl">Make it yours.</p>
<div class="mt-10 flex flex-wrap justify-start gap-5">
<NuxtLink to="/docs/getting-started/introduction">
<UiButton>Get started</UiButton>
<NuxtLink to="/blocks">
<UiButton type="secondary" outline>Use blocks</UiButton>
alt="Hero image"
class="mx-auto aspect-[3/2] max-w-full rounded-lg xl:max-w-lg"
<div class="absolute left-1/2 top-0 z-0 h-full">
class="pointer-events-none absolute left-1/2 top-1/2 z-10 h-96 w-96 -translate-x-14 -translate-y-2/3 select-none rounded-full bg-neutral-900 bg-primary/95 opacity-60 blur-3xl"
class="pointer-events-none absolute right-1/2 top-1/2 h-96 w-96 -translate-y-1/3 translate-x-14 select-none rounded-full bg-primary/40 opacity-60 blur-3xl dark:bg-primary/30"